
The table below lists active type A, B, and C projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.

Current: 2024-2025 Allocations

Project NameDescriptionTypePIClusterEnds
3dpion3D Imaging of the Pion on a Fine LatticeAJinchen He / Zhang RuiLQ22025-07-01
affineQFT on Affine LatticesCGeorge FlemingLQ1
ahisqNovel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarksAYannis TrimisLQ12025-07-01
betafnThe non-perturbative renormalization group beta-function of eight-flavor SU(3) gauge theoryACurtis PetersonLQ12025-07-01
Lattice calculation of QCD trace anomaly form factors of the hadron  energy-momentum tensor using overlap fermions
ABigeng WangLQ12025-07-01
fourpluseightGradient flow renormalization schemeCAnna HasenfratzLQ1
Semileptonic B decays with a vector final state
AAndrew LytleLQ1
Nucleon Quark-Gluon Structure with Clover-Wilson Fermions and Domain Wall Fermions
lp3Gluon Parton Distribution of the Nucleon from 2+1+1-Flavor Lattice QCDA
Huey-Wen Lin
mlcross24Machine learning to identify phases in pure SU(3) system toward estimating the width of the QCD crossoverBDavid ClarkeLQ1
mslightNew ensembles for precision light-meson decay constantsAAlexei
nplqcdNuclear Physics from the Standard ModelAPhiala
nptmdComputing the gluon Collins-Soper Kernel for TMD EvolutionAMichael HagmanLQ22025-07-01
qcdalphaFrom BSM to α_s in QCD at the Z-poleAJulius KutiLQ22025-07-01
stagscaleOmega Baryon Scale Setting and Hadronic Vacuum Polarization ObservablesAAnthony GrebeLQ22025-07-01
su2betafnNovel phases and emerging fixed points in SU(2) gauge systemsCAnna HasenfratzLQ1
twistedmTwist-3 GPDs from Lattice QCDAMartha ConstantinouLQ22025-07-01
The PY 2024-2025 Type A allocations are for the period from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

Previous: 2023-2024 Allocations

The table below lists active type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.

Project NameDescriptionTypePIClusterEnds
ahisqNovel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarksAYannis Trimis LQ1
chiqcdLattice calculation of nucleon energy-momentum tensor form factors using overlap fermionsABigeng WangLQ1
fourpluseightGradient flow renormalization schemeAAnna HasenfratzLQ1
hadtensorA Lattice Calculation of the Hadron Tensor of the PionAWilliam JayLQ1
heavylightSemileptonic B decays with a vector final stateAAndrew LytleLQ1
latgravDynamical (unquenched) fermions coupled to geometryCJohn W LaihoLQ1
lhpcNucleon Quark-Gluon Structure with Clover-Wilson Fermions and Domain Wall FermionsAMichael EngelhardtLQ2
lggAsymptotic safety hypothesis for gravity using a lattice regularization.CJudah Unmuth-YockeyLQ1
lp3Constraining the Bjorken-x Dependence of the Strange Distribution of the Proton Using Lattice InputsAHuey-wen LinLQ1
mslightNew ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants.ASteven GottliebLQ1
nplqcdNuclear Physics from the Standard ModelAPhiala ShanahanLQ2
nptmdComputing the Collins-Soper Kernel for TMD Evolution at the Physical Quark MassesAMichael WagmanLQ1
qcdalphaFrom BSM to α in QCD at the Z-pole: 2023-2024AJulius KutiLQ2
stgmugm2Muon g − 2 Hadronic Vacuum Polarization from four flavors of sea quarks using the HISQ ActionAMichael LynchLQ1,LQ2
stagscaleScale setting studies on the MILC HISQ ensemblesAAlexei BazavovLQ1
su2betafnNovel phases and emerging fixed points in SU(2) gauge systemsAAnna HasenfratzLQ1
twistedmTwist-3 GPDs from Lattice QCDAMartha ConstantinouLQ2
The PY 2023-2024 Type A allocations are for the period from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.

Previous: 2022-2023 Allocations

The table below lists active type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.

Project NameDescriptionTypePIEnds
ahisqNovel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarksAAlexei Bazavov
axialThe Nucleon Axial-Vector Form Factor at the Physical Point with the HISQ EnsemblesAAndreas Kronfeld
chiqcdLattice calculation of nucleon energy-momentum tensor form factors using overlap fermionsABigeng Wang
hadtensorA Lattice Calculation of the Hadron Tensor of the PionAWilliam Jay
heavylightSemileptonic B decays with a vector final stateAAndrew Lytle
lp3Constraining the Bjorken-x Dependence of the Strange Distribution of the Proton Using Lattice InputsAHuey-wen Lin
mslightNew ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants.ACarleton DeTar
nptmdComputing the Collins-Soper Kernel for TMD Evolution at the Physical Quark MassesAMichael Wagman
stgmugm2Storage only allocationACarleton Detar
gluonpdfGluon Parton Distribution of the Pion from Lattice QCDB?Huey-wen Lin2022-07-01
qfenpctNon-perturbative renormalization of critical phi4 theory on S2BEvan Owen2023-01-01
The PY 2022-2023 Type A allocations were for the period from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.

Previous: 2021-2022 Allocations

The table below lists active type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.

Project NameDescriptionTypePIEnds
4fermiMirror model with reduced staggered fermionsACatterall
ahisqNovel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarksABazavov
chiqcdLattice calculation of nucleon energy-momentum tensor form factors using overlap fermionsAWang
fourpluseightGradient flow $\beta$ function for 6 fundamental flavorsAHasenfratz
hadstrucParton Distribution Functions and Amplitudes…ARichards
heavylightSemileptonic B- and D-meson form factors with high precisionAJay
lp3Precision Moments of Strange Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD.ALin
mslightNew ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants.ABazavov
nplqcdNuclear Physics from the Standard ModelAShanahan
rhqbbarSemi-leptonic B-decays with physical light quarks.ASoni
comphiggsMapping the parameter space of the 4+4 modelBNeil2022-04-01
gluonpdfGluon Parton Distribution of the Pion from Lattice QCDBLin2022-07-01
hadtensorComputing four-point correlation functions which are related to the structure functions of the pionBJay2022-01-01
qfenpctNon-perturbative renormalization of critical phi4 theory on S2BOwen2022-01-01
hisqvecPilot studies of semileptonic decays involving a vector final stateCLytle2022-07-01
hotqcdhisqHot QCD with HISQ actionCPetreczky2022-04-13
largencProperties of QCD with more than three colorsCDeGrand2022-05-01
stggm2devStaggered Muon g-2CDetar2021-10-01
vaccumdecayA study of metastable vacuum decay, a nonperturbative phenomenon that occurs in real-timeCEl-Khadra2021-04-01
The PY 2021-2022 Type A allocations were for the period from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.

Previous: 2020-2021 Allocations

The table below lists the expired type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. These projects still have opportunistic access to the SLURM batch scheduler and limited storage space.

Project NameDescriptionTypePI
chiqcdNeutrino Nucleon Scattering and Hadronic TensorALiu
hadstrucParton Distribution Functions and Amplitudes.ARichards
lp3Precision Moments of Strange Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD.ALin
mslightNew ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants.ABazavov
nedmContribution of Theta, cEDM and Weinberg operators to nEDM.ABhattacharya
nmeNucleon Matrix Elements with 2+1 flavor clover fermions,AGupta
rhqbbarSemi-leptonic B-decays with physical light quarks.ASoni
vcbokDetermination of Vcb from Semi-leptonic Decays B → D(∗)using the Oktay–Kronfeld Action.AJang
The 2020-2021 allocations were for the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

Note: The project names listed in the table above have to be specified when submitting jobs on the Fermilab USQCD clusters. For any questions or concerns please email us at