The table below lists active type A, B, and C projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.
Current: 2024-2025 Allocations
Project Name | Description | Type | PI | Cluster | Ends |
3dpion | 3D Imaging of the Pion on a Fine Lattice | A | Jinchen He / Zhang Rui | LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
affine | QFT on Affine Lattices | C | George Fleming | LQ1 | |
ahisq | Novel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarks | A | Yannis Trimis | LQ1 | 2025-07-01 |
betafn | The non-perturbative renormalization group beta-function of eight-flavor SU(3) gauge theory | A | Curtis Peterson | LQ1 | 2025-07-01 |
chiqcd | Lattice calculation of QCD trace anomaly form factors of the hadron energy-momentum tensor using overlap fermions | A | Bigeng Wang | LQ1 | 2025-07-01 |
fourpluseight | Gradient flow renormalization scheme | C | Anna Hasenfratz | LQ1 | |
heavylight | Semileptonic B decays with a vector final state | A | Andrew Lytle | LQ1 LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
lhpc | Nucleon Quark-Gluon Structure with Clover-Wilson Fermions and Domain Wall Fermions | A | Michael Engelhardt | LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
lp3 | Gluon Parton Distribution of the Nucleon from 2+1+1-Flavor Lattice QCD | A | Huey-Wen Lin | LQ1 | 2025-07-01 |
mlcross24 | Machine learning to identify phases in pure SU(3) system toward estimating the width of the QCD crossover | B | David Clarke | LQ1 | |
mslight | New ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants | A | Alexei Bazavov | LQ1 | 2025-07-01 |
nplqcd | Nuclear Physics from the Standard Model | A | Phiala Shanahan | LQ1 LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
nptmd | Computing the gluon Collins-Soper Kernel for TMD Evolution | A | Michael Hagman | LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
qcdalpha | From BSM to α_s in QCD at the Z-pole | A | Julius Kuti | LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
stagscale | Omega Baryon Scale Setting and Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Observables | A | Anthony Grebe | LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
stagmass | Studying non-local taste pion masses ultra via coarse MILC ensembles | C | Christopher Aubin | LQ1 | |
su2betafn | Novel phases and emerging fixed points in SU(2) gauge systems | C | Anna Hasenfratz | LQ1 | |
twistedm | Twist-3 GPDs from Lattice QCD | A | Martha Constantinou | LQ2 | 2025-07-01 |
Previous: 2023-2024 Allocations
The table below lists active type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.
Project Name | Description | Type | PI | Cluster | Ends |
ahisq | Novel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarks | A | Yannis Trimis | LQ1 | |
chiqcd | Lattice calculation of nucleon energy-momentum tensor form factors using overlap fermions | A | Bigeng Wang | LQ1 | |
fourpluseight | Gradient flow renormalization scheme | A | Anna Hasenfratz | LQ1 | |
hadtensor | A Lattice Calculation of the Hadron Tensor of the Pion | A | William Jay | LQ1 | |
heavylight | Semileptonic B decays with a vector final state | A | Andrew Lytle | LQ1 | |
latgrav | Dynamical (unquenched) fermions coupled to geometry | C | John W Laiho | LQ1 | |
lhpc | Nucleon Quark-Gluon Structure with Clover-Wilson Fermions and Domain Wall Fermions | A | Michael Engelhardt | LQ2 | |
lgg | Asymptotic safety hypothesis for gravity using a lattice regularization. | C | Judah Unmuth-Yockey | LQ1 | |
lp3 | Constraining the Bjorken-x Dependence of the Strange Distribution of the Proton Using Lattice Inputs | A | Huey-wen Lin | LQ1 | |
mslight | New ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants. | A | Steven Gottlieb | LQ1 | |
nplqcd | Nuclear Physics from the Standard Model | A | Phiala Shanahan | LQ2 | |
nptmd | Computing the Collins-Soper Kernel for TMD Evolution at the Physical Quark Masses | A | Michael Wagman | LQ1 | |
qcdalpha | From BSM to α in QCD at the Z-pole: 2023-2024 | A | Julius Kuti | LQ2 | |
stgmugm2 | Muon g − 2 Hadronic Vacuum Polarization from four flavors of sea quarks using the HISQ Action | A | Michael Lynch | LQ1,LQ2 | |
stagscale | Scale setting studies on the MILC HISQ ensembles | A | Alexei Bazavov | LQ1 | |
su2betafn | Novel phases and emerging fixed points in SU(2) gauge systems | A | Anna Hasenfratz | LQ1 | |
twistedm | Twist-3 GPDs from Lattice QCD | A | Martha Constantinou | LQ2 |
Previous: 2022-2023 Allocations
The table below lists active type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.
Project Name | Description | Type | PI | Ends |
ahisq | Novel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarks | A | Alexei Bazavov | |
axial | The Nucleon Axial-Vector Form Factor at the Physical Point with the HISQ Ensembles | A | Andreas Kronfeld | |
chiqcd | Lattice calculation of nucleon energy-momentum tensor form factors using overlap fermions | A | Bigeng Wang | |
hadtensor | A Lattice Calculation of the Hadron Tensor of the Pion | A | William Jay | |
heavylight | Semileptonic B decays with a vector final state | A | Andrew Lytle | |
lp3 | Constraining the Bjorken-x Dependence of the Strange Distribution of the Proton Using Lattice Inputs | A | Huey-wen Lin | |
mslight | New ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants. | A | Carleton DeTar | |
nptmd | Computing the Collins-Soper Kernel for TMD Evolution at the Physical Quark Masses | A | Michael Wagman | |
stgmugm2 | Storage only allocation | A | Carleton Detar | |
gluonpdf | Gluon Parton Distribution of the Pion from Lattice QCD | B? | Huey-wen Lin | 2022-07-01 |
qfenpct | Non-perturbative renormalization of critical phi4 theory on S2 | B | Evan Owen | 2023-01-01 |
Previous: 2021-2022 Allocations
The table below lists active type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. Please refer to the “USQCD All-Hands Meeting” Indico site for details regarding the allocation process.
Project Name | Description | Type | PI | Ends |
4fermi | Mirror model with reduced staggered fermions | A | Catterall | |
ahisq | Novel anisotropic pure gauge simulations and the spectrum of anisotropic staggered quarks | A | Bazavov | |
chiqcd | Lattice calculation of nucleon energy-momentum tensor form factors using overlap fermions | A | Wang | |
fourpluseight | Gradient flow $\beta$ function for 6 fundamental flavors | A | Hasenfratz | |
hadstruc | Parton Distribution Functions and Amplitudes… | A | Richards | |
heavylight | Semileptonic B- and D-meson form factors with high precision | A | Jay | |
lp3 | Precision Moments of Strange Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD. | A | Lin | |
mslight | New ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants. | A | Bazavov | |
nplqcd | Nuclear Physics from the Standard Model | A | Shanahan | |
rhqbbar | Semi-leptonic B-decays with physical light quarks. | A | Soni | |
comphiggs | Mapping the parameter space of the 4+4 model | B | Neil | 2022-04-01 |
gluonpdf | Gluon Parton Distribution of the Pion from Lattice QCD | B | Lin | 2022-07-01 |
hadtensor | Computing four-point correlation functions which are related to the structure functions of the pion | B | Jay | 2022-01-01 |
qfenpct | Non-perturbative renormalization of critical phi4 theory on S2 | B | Owen | 2022-01-01 |
hisqvec | Pilot studies of semileptonic decays involving a vector final state | C | Lytle | 2022-07-01 |
hotqcdhisq | Hot QCD with HISQ action | C | Petreczky | 2022-04-13 |
largenc | Properties of QCD with more than three colors | C | DeGrand | 2022-05-01 |
stggm2dev | Staggered Muon g-2 | C | Detar | 2021-10-01 |
vaccumdecay | A study of metastable vacuum decay, a nonperturbative phenomenon that occurs in real-time | C | El-Khadra | 2021-04-01 |
Previous: 2020-2021 Allocations
The table below lists the expired type A projects allocated time on the Fermilab USQCD clusters by the Scientific Program Committee. These projects still have opportunistic access to the SLURM batch scheduler and limited storage space.
Project Name | Description | Type | PI |
chiqcd | Neutrino Nucleon Scattering and Hadronic Tensor | A | Liu |
hadstruc | Parton Distribution Functions and Amplitudes. | A | Richards |
lp3 | Precision Moments of Strange Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD. | A | Lin |
mslight | New ensembles for precision light-meson decay constants. | A | Bazavov |
nedm | Contribution of Theta, cEDM and Weinberg operators to nEDM. | A | Bhattacharya |
nme | Nucleon Matrix Elements with 2+1 flavor clover fermions, | A | Gupta |
rhqbbar | Semi-leptonic B-decays with physical light quarks. | A | Soni |
vcbok | Determination of Vcb from Semi-leptonic Decays B → D(∗)using the Oktay–Kronfeld Action. | A | Jang |
Note: The project names listed in the table above have to be specified when submitting jobs on the Fermilab USQCD clusters. For any questions or concerns please email us at