Gustavo Cancelo
Telephone: (630) 840-8762 E-mail: Office Location: FCC3
Research Interest
I have made contributions to signal processing, nonlinear control theory, data acquisition systems, neural networks, FPGA design and hardware implementation of digital and analog systems. I have prolific experience in detectors for high energy physics and cosmology, mathematical modeling, simulations, and electronics. I have led international collaborations and projects in detectors for cosmology and accelerators for high energy physics. Since 2010 I have led projects for cosmology detectors using CCDs for dark matter and MKIDs (superconducting microwave kinetic inductance detectors) for dark energy. I have given conference presentations and invited lectures at most US National Laboratories and Universities in Germany, Italy, Argentina, and Brazil. I am a member of the Engineering Policy Committee at Fermilab; I am a reviewer of the US Department of Energy for grants and projects; I am also an expert in superconducting detectors and electronics for cosmology.