Andrew Norman
Telephone: (630) 840-4016 E-mail: Office Location: WH8E
Scientific Interest
My scientific research has focused on measurements of neutrino oscillations, CP violation and searches for lepton flavor violation as windows into the search for physics beyond the standard model. My experimental work has ranged from measurements of rare neutral kaon decays in fixed target experiments at Brookhaven National Laboratory to particle production measurements and neutrino oscillation experiments here at Fermilab. My primary research is focused on resolving the neutrino mass hierarchy through the measurements of ?e appearance in both neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations, but extends to measurements of neutrino cross sections and the search for and detection of exotic phenomena, such as dark matter annihilation signatures and relic magnetic monopoles, in modern neutrino detectors.
I lead the NOvA research group in the Computational Science and AI Directorate at Fermilab. Our group has been heavily involved in both the analysis efforts and operations of the experiment. Our group has had leading roles in the 3-flavor oscillation analyses, neutrino cross section analyses, neutrino beam systematics and modeling, and development of machine learning techniques for high energy physics.
Since 2005, I have been an active member of the NOvA experiment where I was heavily involved in the initial designs of the experiment and its readout infrastructure. Over the course of the experiment, I have worked on its designs, prototyping, construction, commissioning and transition into full physics data taking. I served as the head of the Data Acquisition (DAQ) Systems for NOvA as well as head of the Data Driven Trigger Systems for many years and I have specialized in high-speed data acquisition systems, real-time pattern recognition and complex triggering algorithms to identify rare and exotic topologies in neutrino detectors.
My research has also focused significantly on the use of modern computing and next generation “exa-scale” computing to tackle difficult computational problems in high energy physics. I have been active in multiple SciDAC projects where I have served in the scientific roles presenting problems in precision neutrino physics. Most recently I have been working with the HEP Data Analytics on HPC project to address the computation challenges of long baseline neutrino physics with NOvA and DUNE.
As DUNE (the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment), the next generation of long baseline neutrino experiments, starts to take form, I have started focusing my research on the development of the computing landscape for the future of the Intensity Frontier. I served as Computing Coordinator for the DUNE experiment and am currently the Computing Architect for the International DUNE Computing Consortium