Collaboration and project relationships

ASCR projects and institutes

FastMATH (Leyffer, Meuller)
RAPIDS (Peterka, Ross)

POUNDERS (Leyffer)
Minotaur (Leyffer)

Decaf (Peterka)
DIY (Peterka)
Mochi (Ross)


CMS (Mrenna)
ALTAS (Calafiura, Marshall)
NOvA (Buchanan, Norman, Sousa)
DUNE (Buchanan, Norman, Sousa)

Pythia (Mrenna)

CCE Connections

  • Saba Sehrish is part of this SciDAC project and is currently the FNAL liaison to CCE
  • Our current plans include applying for allocations on KNL system at ALCF, NERSC, OLCF and BNL through the HEP CCE
  • Mrenna’s generator porting, completed partly under CCE, will continue in a larger capacity under this SciDAC project
  • Sehrish’s work on “HEP Data Analysis with Big Data and HPC” has already provided initial insights on how to make HEP data available at NERSC and ALCF for this project
  • Our current plans are to take advantage of any edge services and data transfer services that are made available through CCE efforts